Website Maintenance
I am introducing a maintenance package which I am recommending to all my clients to protect your websites that you have invested your money in. Recently the increase in hack attempts, scammers, spammers has literally gone through the roof. I have myself almost lost all access to my website because of a hack attempt.
There are benefits for SEO by doing this kind of work on a regular basis but the main reason I am recommending this is for security reasons.
The hackers are getting more sophisticated so keeping all of the software that your website is built on up to date and secure will really minimise the possibility of any damage to your website and it's information. Also the most important element of the maintenance would be a regular backup of the website which would be stored offline on my hard drive so that if the worst happens we can restore the website back again.
The monthly charge for this will be £40 which I have kept as low as possible, but as a guide this will involve around an hour and half time per month and also the offline backup storage costs.
Now obviously there is no obligation to take this package on. I totally understand the pressures on every penny at the minute and with the outlay you have made in getting your website built already an extra charge every month can seem too much and I totally get that.
Below im going to set out what would be included in the monthly checks and backups and why they are important.
Full Website Backup
Spam clean-up
Theme Updates
Check Google Console and Google Analytics
Plug-in Updates
Check for broken links and 404 errors
So why bother with any of this?
As I said above there is no obligation to do any of this. However if anything does happen your website the above checks and backups every month will mean we can get you back up and running quickly and with the minimum of fuss.
If however the worst happens and the website is hacked it could result in a complete rebuild... this is the nightmare scenario but I need to make you aware of this.
The upside of doing this is that it really helps with your SEO and Google ranking. Google hates any of the above not being kept up to date, it can flag your website as a threat and ultimately you slide down its listings.
I am totally happy to talk through any of this and if there is anything I haven't added here that you would like maintained on your website just drop me an email or call me on 079 8558 7036